Eczema on a baby varies considerably in severity. Some only get it occassionally and it’s usually mild. Others have it regularly but moderate. While others have a very severe case of eczema that may subside but flares significantly and often covers the much of the face. These poor babies are so uncomfortable you feel for them!
What exactly causes eczema?
The exact cause of eczema is unknown. But what we do know is that mothers pass on their gut health to their baby! This is especially true for mothers who give birth vaginally. Yes, indeed! However, it is also true for mothers who give birth via Cesarean.
It can seem near impossible to get rid of! And then, it may feel like the minute it goes away it pops up again. For sure, how many moms have seen a change in the eczema when the weather gets cooler, only to flare up again once the weather gets warm again?! (Hello!)
What can you do for a baby or young child with eczema?
The first thing to start, if you have not already done so, is moisturizing with a quality moisturizer for children. Minimum once a day but really twice a day is ideal for a child with eczema. I love starting with either Aquaphor or Cetaphil moisturizers especially for eczema. However, another option is using coconut oil to moisturize the affected eczema spots. The advantage of using coconut oil is that it is both a anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and can help speed up healing.
In terms of an acute flare up, where the baby or child is itching a lot or appears very uncomfortable, try applying cool, wet compresses. This is great when children want to itch, but not if the areas have broken open and are oozing. In the case of open sores or oozing do not use wet compresses as it could increase risk of infection.
It can help to increase the amount of exposure a child gets to sunshine and vitamin D. Talk to your Pediatrician or family doctor about an appropriate supplementation amount of vitamin D for your baby or child. If you or your Pediatrician are not comfortable supplementing your baby then a great starting place is supplementing yourself with a quality vitamin D. I love liquid vitamin D with the balance of vitamin K; liquid drops allow you to change the supplemented amount easily.
One of my favorite strategies is for mom to begin probiotics. Look for a good, quality probiotic that has a balance of lactobacillus- and bifido- strands. If you are still breastfeeding, this is key, as it is a primary way to begin healing your gut and that gets passed on to your baby through your milk. You can also start giving your child probiotics as well. However, if you still have an infant its a bit more involved as you should mix it with your milk and give via syringe. Ask your IBCLC or Pediatrician for a good recommendation for a probiotic designed for babies.
Should you give the probiotics to your baby instead? While I don’t think you should give it to your baby instead, you can definitely also give probiotics to your baby/child. This is something that could help speed up the healing process for the baby of both the eczema and the gut. If you do, be sure to find a blend of probiotics that is designed for babies and be sure to mix it with breastmilk or formula and give via a syringe to your baby. Still, you should also take probiotics for yourself if you are breastfeeding!
What else can be done?
The reigning thought in the holistic world is that eczema stems largely from inflammation throughout the body which typically begins with a leaky gut.
Additional strategies to curb eczema target inflammation. This begins with minimizing highly processed foods and meats. Reduce sugar intake.
- Begin taking a Vitamin E supplement (typically 400 IUs) daily.
- Take an Omega-3 fish oil supplement daily. And add omega-3 fatty acid foods to your diet.
- Increase your orange and yellow food intake which are rich in Vitamin A. This is great for a baby too if he is getting solid foods (carrots, sweet potato, squash).
This post is a nod to a family friend who has a young baby with a severe case of eczema. We are thinking of you!
Contact Simply the Breast today to schedule an appointment if you would like assistance with breastfeeding or lactation. We serve Ventura County and surrounding areas.
*Disclaimer: No post is intended to be a substitute for medical evaluation and guidance. Contact your doctor to get a full evaluation.